Sometimes you just have to face up to the person who is causing the conflict and tackle


them head on. But first you must arm yourself with solid evidence and develop an action plan to defuse the conflict. Whether you are dealing with a difficult staff member, colleague, or manager, our advice will be helpful for you.

Avoiding conflict can be more destructive than facing it and dealing with it appropriately, so when you have exhausted all other possibilities, use conflict to improve communication, solve a problem, and build trust and cooperation.

Effective communication, in the form of listening to, and showing respect for the people we work with, makes everyone more productive.

Dealing with a difficult colleague can be challenging, but it isn’t impossible.

Difficult colleagues can make life at work very unpleasant if not downright miserable. They can be demanding and exhausting, and cause a great deal of distress for everyone involved. Interacting and dealing with these people can be a major cause of employee lack of engagement. Sometimes their behavior affects your performance, am I right in my assertion? So you do need to try to resolve the issue real fast.

You need to know a lot of information about the person(s) in question. Perhaps they are rude, use bad language, tease or bully you or others, gossip and speculate about everyone. Or are lazy and don’t do any work unless a supervisor is around.

Your first option is to limit the amount of interaction you have with them. This may be easier in some situations than others. If you can avoid them and ignore them, that is your best solution. Just don’t let them get to you.

If that is not an option then try working around the behaviour. Leave when they exhibit troublesome behaviour. Deal with them when it is possible and avoid them when necessary. Ignore their bad behaviour, don’t get involved

If none of this works, you may have to address the issue yourself, perhaps with the cooperation of like-minded colleagues. Many people avoid dealing with difficult colleagues (superiors) because they don’t feel they have the power to do anything about the situation, or that they don’t have adequate skills to resolve difficult interactions. Or they may fear potential “political” consequences, perhaps being seen as a troublemaker themselves.

As a last resort, involve management. They should deal with the problem in the interest of providing a pleasant working atmosphere for the team. Managers should create a positive work environment that fosters creativity and energy. They need to demonstrate leadership by establishing good values, and demonstrating fairness.

We shall discourse how to handle your difficult Manager next, so be here.

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